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Literature quiz: Name the book Author of this text: William Harwood
nontheist stumbles into a country so infested with godworship, that his claim
to have a nonexistent sense called "reason," enabling him to see that
their beliefs are falsifiable fairy tales, causes the inhabitants to assume
that he is insane. When he falls for a female godworshipper, his need to
belong prompts him to yield to their demand that he be surgically cured by
having the organ responsible for his delusion, an organ they do not have that
he calls his "brain," amputated. At the last minute, he realizes that no
woman or society is worth a lifetime of brainless conformity, and flees.
The Country of the Blind
by H. G. Wells.
man living under theocratic Anglican Christianity rebels against its masochism,
its sky Führer whom nobody has ever seen and who probably does not exist, and
its totalitarian prohibition of everything that makes life worthwhile. He
forms a sexual relationship with a female dissenter, who sees their recreation
together as pleasure giving rather than an onerous duty to "be fruitful and
multiply," as the sky Führer's domesticated livestock are required to
believe. The hierarchy hunts them down and, by threatening the man with his
personal concept of Hell, persuades him to denounce his lover as a dirty
Antichrist on whom the threatened torture should be inflicted rather than on
himself. He is converted, and finally realizes that he loves the sky Führer.
by George Orwell.
Published in the 2002 November/December issue of
the American Rationalist ©.
« Funny (Published: 19-07-2003 Last change: 21-09-2003)
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